Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nunc velit, accumsan vitae libero at, laoreet gravida risus. Sed maximus risus tortor, quis ornare sapien ullamcorper non. Praesent ultricies rhoncus sagittis. Donec mollis massa augue, eget lobortis est ornare sit amet. Cras molestie nisi eget sagittis venenatis. Integer gravida a eros non ultricies. Proin ante justo, rutrum a turpis sed, fermentum dignissim nibh. Suspendisse malesuada, mauris sit amet condimentum maximus, libero tellus pellentesque nisl, ac sollicitudin sapien velit id odio. Etiam eget porta purus. Sed eu convallis libero. Vestibulum euismod id turpis dapibus efficitur. Mauris in metus eu libero vestibulum dictum eget et ligula.
ICT in Schools. A Handbook for Teachers of How ICT Can Create New, Open Learning Environments. UNESCO,
2000 (in English, French, Russian)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
This Handbook is designed for teachers and all educators who are currently working with, or who would like to know more about, information and communication technologies in schools. The technologies involve much more than computers, and so the abbreviation we use for information and communication technologies – ICT – is a plural term to denote the whole range of technologies associated with processing information on the one hand and, on the other, with sending and receiving messages.
A major theme of this Handbook is how ICT can create new, open learning environments. More than any other previous technology, ICT are providing learners access to vast stores of knowledge beyond the school, as well as with multimedia tools to add to this store of knowledge.
ICT are largely instrumental, too, in shifting the emphasis in learning environments from teacher-centred to learner-centred; where teachers move from being the key source of information and transmitter of knowledge ICT are largely instrumental, too, in shifting the emphasis in learning environments from teacher-centred to learner-centred; where teachers move from being the key source of information and transmitter of knowledge to becoming guides for student learning; a
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nunc velit, accumsan vitae libero at, laoreet gravida risus. Sed maximus risus tortor, quis ornare sapien ullamcorper non. Praesent ultricies rhoncus sagittis. Donec mollis massa augue, eget lobortis est ornare sit amet. Cras molestie nisi eget sagittis venenatis. Integer gravida a eros non ultricies.
Proin ante justo, rutrum a turpis sed, fermentum dignissim nibh. Suspendisse malesuada, mauris sit amet condimentum maximus, libero tellus pellentesque nisl, ac sollicitudin sapien velit id odio. Etiam eget porta purus. Sed eu convallis libero. Vestibulum euismod id turpis dapibus efficitur. Mauris in metus eu libero vestibulum dictum eget et ligula.
The handbook is targeted to all teachers, school principals and decision-makers who use or are going to use ICT in school. It introduces them into e-pedagogy, its technological and organizational issues, promotes learner-centred pedagogy and encourage collaboration and networking.