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Designing new content and activities for all subjects of general education
In mathematics and computer science (informatics) subject area – student develops models for reasoning, communicating and acting in visual, palpable environments with real and virtual objects
Algorithmics for Primary and Secondary School.
Computer Science and Technology for High School
National text-books on Computer science and technology were published in 2 mln. copies in 1986-87 (A.Semenov was the organizer and a member of the authoring team).

Informatics 1–4. An Innovative Educational Methodical Complex (Alexei Semenov, Tatiana Rudchenko), 2008

Educational materials of the IEMC give the opportunity to acquaint children with main information processes, to teach them how to work with information objects, including search, classification and modeling. The course is planned for 4 year 68 hours a year teaching. The computer component of the complex is is available for teachers and pupils via Internet and does not depend on school computers' platform.

Informatics 1-4 site

Computer Science for primary school. Interactive animation lessons

Informatics 1–4 and 3–4.
The Principles of Building and Course Programmes for Primary School
Alexei Semenov, Tatiana Rudchenko)

The computer science course (informatics) for primary school enables to learn important fragments of computer science maths basics in a visual graphic and physical form, to develop general thinking and communicative abilities, to gain information and technology skills in computer work, to form general learning skills. The course is planned for 4 (or 2) year teaching. The materials of each year course consist of an exercise-book and a project book. Computer environment includes as well a full teacher support materials.
The course was developed in full compliance with the new Education Standard for primary school. it provides an opportunity to master the basic meta-subject concepts in graphic and physical form, to learn the basics of information culture, including ICT skills when working with the computer component of the course. The course also allows the students to form the majority of universal educational activities laid down in the new educational Standard, in particular, many communicative and regulatory skills.

Contents of each year of "Informatics 1-4":
Informatics 1: acquaintance with the rules of the game, permissible actions and the main objects of the course, the first acquaintance with chains and bags.
Informatics 2: study of chains, bags, tables and the application of these objects to the solution of practical and applied problems.
Informatics 3: work with trees and programming the simplest performer.
Informatics 4: mathematical games, use of trees to solve various problems and a generalization of all the material studied.

Informatica (Computer Science) 3. Text-book (A. Semenov, T. Rudchenko)
(English translation, 2013)

Informatica (Computer Science). On-line environment for teacher and students INTernet-classes

See also "Mathematics and Informatics" course

Algorithmics 5 – 7 Grades. A. K. Zvonkin, A. G. Kulakov, S. K. Lando, A. L. Semenov, A. H. Shen // Moscow, "Drofa", 1996

Introduces students into structural programming (cycle, condition, recursion, etc.) – not as a part of software engineering, but as a discipline of planning, develops mathematical thinking, provides basic computer science grounding for 5 – 7 class pupils.
The structural software editor and interpreter allows students to work on in visual microworlds.

Informatics 6. Algorithmics. A. K. Zvonkin, A. G. Kulakov, S. K. Lando, A. L. Semenov // Moscow, "Prosveshenie", 2006

The set of teaching materials for the course "Informatics 6. Algorithmics" is a part of an educational and methodical set "Informatics 6 – 7" made by authors team under the direction of A. L. Semenov. The course materials develop an ability to divide difficult problems into subtasks and solve them consequently.

Informatics, 7 Grade./ S. K. Lando, A. L. Semenov, M. N. Vjaly // Moscow, "Prosveshenie", 2008

An objective of this schoolbook is to continue learning of basic algorithm thinking, that was begun in "Informatics 6. Algorithmics" schoolbook. Algorithmic means of the previous book are extended by introduction of variables. Learning of variables is begun on the material of Executors already known from the previous course. New tasks considered are as follows: search, game strategies construction, codes.

LogoWorlds of Probability. Matematical practical course
INT. Based on MicroWorlds, LСSI

LogoWorlds of Probability is a virtual microworld (a construction kit) intended for simulation of statistical and probabilistic experiments and also for numerical experiments on probability theory and mathematical statistics.

LogoWorlds. An Integrated Creative Environment
INT. Based on MicroWorlds, LСSI

Each programme of the "Logo-" set is a multifunctional environment for creating own projects on any topic – both "school" and "free". The projects can be very different by their genre and complexity: from simple illustrated compositions and presentation reels through to complex models of physical and biological processes.

FirstLogo. An Integrated Creative Environment
INT. In English version IconLogo, LСSI

The FirstLogo programme is build specially for preschoolers and primary K-4. In fact it is a computer album, and a child can not only draw, write and do problems in it, as in a paper album, but also create cartoons, programs in a visual language (without words) executed visually and other projects on any - both school and private - topic.

ICT in Primary School. Experience, Educational Center 1189, Moscow 1004

Digital Microscope in Primary School

All school subjects. Mathematics
Math in Primary School. An Innovative Complex
M. Positselskaya // INT, 2008

Virtual environment for mathematical experiments, serious games and mastering of numerical skills.

Interactive animation lessons

Living Math. A collection of educational materials
INT, based on Geometers Sketchpad Key Curriculum Press

There are guidelines for teachers based on Russian standards and descriptions of computer albums that demonstrate the possibilities of the program to work with pupils of different age, different level of mathematic knowledge and interest in mathematics.

Masterclass. Living Math (html)

Living Math

INT, based on AutoGraph Eastmond Publishing

It is a virtual construction kit for main parts of school math (secondary and high school) which offers a possibility of school mathematic objects graphic imaging – geometric figures, equations, sets of equations, plots and diagrams of statistical data manipulations. Includes teacher's guidelines based on Russian educational standards.

Living Statistics
INT, based on TinkerPlot, Key Curriculum Press

It is a toolset for mathematical statistics experiments and data processing studying at school and an environment for statistical research that was created specially for secondary school. It enables pupils to write down self-collected data or data they found in Internet, to process and convert them and also to represent them in diagrams and tables.

Interactive 3D Geometry. Cabri 3D

It is a virtual construction kit for 3D geometry school course maintaining that enables to create 3D dynamic objects and modify them, using simple and clear actions.

All school subjects. Siences
Living Physics. A collection of computer experiments. Guidelines
INT, based on Interactive Physics, Design Simulation Technologies, Inc.

Teacher guide for a set of computer experiments Live Physics on major school topics: "Basics of kinematics", "Oscillations", "Electrostatics", "Energy conservation principle" and "Law of conservation of impetus ".

Masterclass. Live Physics (html)

INT, Fourier Systems

Digital laboratories "Archimedes" in physics, chemistry and biology provide automated collection, processing, and visualization of experimental data and observations. The data can be stored in real time and reproduced together with video records of the experiments. Accompanying materials contain detailed instructions on registering, collecting and processing data and examples of the experiments.

Physics. Digital collection of experiments
Digital base of experiments in physics based on digital laboratories contains descriptions and software for laboratory works of school physics.
Anatomy. Digital atlas
INT, IntLine
Pupils' digital anatomy atlas contains about 500 pictures, 67 animations and 24 interactive atlases. It corresponds to the present school programs in human anatomy and contains general information (texts and pictures) about anatomy – about external and internal structure of all organizational levels of human body, about functions of systems in the organism, as well as basics of physiology and human hygiene.
BioLogica. Virtual genetic laboratory
INT, based on BioLogica, Concord Consortium
A virtual experimental microworld to learn basics of genetics and cytology of reproduction.
Botany. Digital collection of pictures
INT, IntLine
Texts, pictures, video records is organized as collections with a convenient search system.
Zoology. Digital collection of microphotographs
INT, IntLine
A collection of educational materials (microphotographs) in zoology contains about 150 photos (1024x768, screen resolution) of micro-objects made with professional microscopes of high resolution.
Zoology. Digital collection of pictures
INT, IntLine
Texts, pictures, video records is organized as collections with a convenient search system. Collections of the Zoology institute of Russian Academy of Sciences is used.
Chemistry. Digital collection of videos
INT, IntLine
Chemical experiments are recorded and explained including ones that are impossible to conduct in schools and ones tha have to be conducted by students themselves.
It contains information about over 200 species of grass that have conspicuous flowers and belong to about 50 families, and over 100 species of xylophytes in summer and winter period (trees, bushes, subshrubs and lianas).

All school subjects.
Language arts & Foreign languages
Primary school. Foreign languages. Digital collection of pictures
INT, IntLine
Digital training materials that contains pictures of different objects and is dedicated to be used in primary schools at all school lessons while teaching 7–10-aged children, also while teaching foreign languages.
Russian literature of the 19th century in classic analyses
An electronic collection of critical and literature analyses called Russian literature of the 19th century in classic analyses. "From Belynsky to Lotman" contains critical analyses of literary works that are part of any school program in literature.
Distance English course "The Spoken Word"

The course is based on the concept of digital immersion in the language on-line environment using interactive tasks and communication with the teacher in real time. "The Spoken Word" is specifically designed for the fast and comfortable development of the reading skills, speaking, listening and writing in the child-friendly on-line environment, regardless of where students are engaged in school or at home.

The course consists of interactive lessons with native speakers with the recorded video, real-time communication using a webcam, microphone, e-mail and instant message programs.
• Speaking tests to monitor the speech skills of students, these contribute to the development of fluency in English and pronunciation.
• Instant on site verification of tasks performed by students.
• Lessons, tests, lectures, educational materials are always ready for use, regardless of the time.

All school subjects.
History and Geography
Live Geography. Educational materialsSchool GIS, INT, Panorama

It is a working school GIS to work with special data and geoinformatic layers and hyperlinks to information sources collected by students. It contains digital world maps and maps of Russia, pictures of Russia, digital historic maps for Russian history, a collection of digital large-scale educational topographic maps, and can combine this with satellite pictures. A collection of Provides a package of guidelines for teachers.

Masterclass. Live Geography (html)

Live Geography Presentation

Digital atlas of Moscow and Moscow region
INT, Scanex
An atlas of digital satellite images of Moscow and Moscow region that is used for courses in geography and Moscow studies.
Live Russian History
A collection of over 700 images, 30 audio and video fragments, 45 historic maps of battles, "historic library", chronological tables and other information for historical research of students and preparing of teachers' presentations.
Live Genealogy
Contains tools to create simple and complex family trees associate multimedica information with them, a dictionary of genealogical definitions and terms.

All school subjects.
Technology and informatics: projects and tasks. PervoRobot
INT, LEGO Education
With the help of PervoRobot sets children can build real models of living organisms or mechanic devices, carry out scientific experiments, learn basics of informatics and algorithmic, computer control and robot technology. The core of all PervoRobot models is LEGO programmed block. It has gages that collect information about the environment. Robots' actions are determined by programs that pupils develop. Educational aids include projects and tasks, CDs have animations and video records with guidelines.
PervoRobot Software NXT 1.1
INT, based on LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education NXT , LEGO Education, National Instruments

All school subjects.

Federal Portal for general education
The portal (A.L. Semenov is its editor-in-chief) was started in 2002 to promote the development, adaptation, dissemination and reuse of more than 20,000 open educational resources the Federal collection of digital learning resources based on Professor Semenov's concept was started in 2006.

The mission of the Portal is to promote availability and to increase quality of the Russian education. The Portal was created as a consortium of members who pool their information resources in order to make them available for the entire education society. The priority tasks of the Portal include participation in modernization of the Russian education providing pupils, school and university teachers, heads of teaching departments, parents and wide public with information on all kinds of educational products and services, regulatory documents (official texts included), events in the educational society. Participants of the consortium work in the context of the Portal on providing wide education society with high quality, accurate, complete, available and regularly updated information resources; the entire education sector with available information resources; wide education society with Internet access; educational institutions and talented teachers with possibility to be met with public notice; and also on promotion of online communication, free exchange of ideas, identification of needs and tendencies of education society. The participants use an integrated system of description and certification of resources, and an integrated search system.

A.l. Semenov,
Introduction Russian secondary education portal (, which was created about seven years ago in the framework of the federal target program The Development of the Integrated Educational Environment, became one of the most widely used and promising educational internet resources for the secondary education system in Russia.
The portal is Winner of Government Prize in Education for 2008.
As a part of the federal educational portal network the portal is aimed to serve various users in the domain of the secondary education, among them are teachers, students and their parents, administration of the secondary education institutions, students and teachers of the pedagogical colleges, as well as all those who are interested in the educational issues and looking for new trends in education. The portal contains information that is related school curricula, out-of-school and extracurricular activities, rules and regulations on education, primarily issued by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation. The portal also provides access to the information concerning various educational products and services, the news in the education area.
Russian secondary education portal consists of the following major sections:

  • Directory of educational resources. The directory is constantly updating by educators with high competence in the subject. The directory structure is designed for the efficient navigation and search of resources. Resources can be filtered by target group, i.e. student, teacher, school manager, parent, by the level of education and by the subject of the school curricula. The metadata descriptions of resources assure relevant search results for the search over the directory.
  • Collections. The collections contain original content as well as references to other sources that created and selected to fit curriculum and prepared for the seamless integration in the home work project by the student or in the lesson plan by the teacher. The resources in collections are provided with annotations and structured for easy navigation.
  • Educational web-projects. The portal offers a hosting service with build-in content management system for the users' educational projects.
  • Educational news.
  • Web forums and online surveys.
  • Official documents of the National department of education.
All the resources on the portal have metadata descriptions which are translated to IEEE LOM and replicated over the national portal network.
The portal is not just a search system; it is rather a medium for communication between all members of the educational process which is crucial for handling complicated tasks in educational practice and research. Variety of portal services encourage the users for constructive interaction through surveys, polls and forums (e.g. actively developing forums are "What do parents require from school", "What is admissible in the Russian language and what is not", etc.). Among the most popular services are advisory boards of the country's leading organizations and experts in legislation, correctional pedagogics and special psychology.

Daily attendance of about 10000 visitors per day.

Collections Collections of educational resources are a special part of the Portal. All collections are created with the participation of experts and provided with comments and background biographical material, news and guidelines.
Navigation inside a collection includes a system of cross references between the different types of resources, hyperlinks in the texts of articles and biographies, indexes for all sections of the catalog. Objects in collections are structured by the level of education.
Content of the collections is created in accordance with the priorities set by the needs of the secondary school. Every collection contains an extended educational minimum related to different periods of European and national history and culture. Information is grouped in several sections, the collections - the history in documents, historical illustrations, music, world art culture, literature and others. These sections contain facts and the most important achievements in each of the following areas: literature, art, history, music.

List of collections Directory of educational web-resources
Directory sections
  • Preschool education
  • Primary school
  • The basic and upper secondary school,
  • Additional education and training,
  • Education leisure
  • Distance learning
  • Correctional education and special psychology,
  • Pedagogy and Teacher Education,
  • Improving skills
  • Technical means of training and training equipment,
  • Reference and information sources
  • State educational portals,
  • Internet: the help
  • Printed editions
  • Publications on CD / DVD-ROM
Advisory boards Advisory boards are very popular among portal users. Ежедневно приходит несколько десятков вопросов. Наиболее актуальная консультация – по праву в образовании (опубликовано более 10000 ресурсов-ответов). Every day a few dozen issues are submitted. The most popular board is on the law in education contains more than 10000 answers.

  • Questions and answers on the law is managed by an expert on law in the field of education Helen Bolotov, professor of public-legal disciplines cycle of Faculty of Law of University of Russian Academy of Education
  • Board on correctional psychology is managed by senior research scientists of the Institute for Special Education of Russian Academy of Education.
  • Multimedia equipment in educational institutions is managed by a specialists of INTMEDIA
  • Help on educational hosting and CMS is managed by the portal's editors
Educational hosting and content managing system (CMS) Educational hosting and CMS services ( were esteblished 5 years ago, since that time around 2000 directories were created.
The editors designed structure of the template site that allows educators to place any full-text, digital and multimedia resources, such as:

  • educational materials,
  • personal pages of schools, teachers and students
  • school photo albums
  • subject collections
  • electronic archives
  • Virtual School Museums
  • Forums
  • Journals
CMS provides mechanisms that enable administrators to not only accommodate and structure this information, but also provide convenient navigation through the pages, search engine and services for polls, forums and statistics. Authors can publish documents and archived files, audio-video-photo-materials, flash videos. The design of each site can be customized. Management of structure, content and design is carried out on-line through the web forms. Main users of this service are teachers and educational institutions.