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PersonID 19667
Alexei Semenov
ID: semenov.alexei-l
AuthorID: 218197
Spin 2289-1720
AuthorID 7402499019
A. Semenov
Alexei Semenov
The developed elements of e-pedagogy were tested in experimental projects (up to 100 schools), such as:
Moscow educational System
World Bank Project "E-learning support for Russia"
Providing Digital Resources for innovative schools of Russian Federation – 6.000 schools in all regions of Russia
"Technology of Education" Center for 1200 children that cannot visit school because of limitations of health
Individual support for students at risk from deprived families
Individual support for gifted children
"The School" Project of Academy of Sciences of USSR
In 1987 Professor Semenov was entrusted by the Ministry of Education, the Academy of Sciences and the Committee on Science and Technology of the USSR with the organization and implementation of the "School" project, which had as priorities the introduction of e-pedagogy and the student-as-researcher model in the country's education system.
Teaching to Learn by Doing and Thinking: Towards the Propaedeutic Technology for Primary School of Information Era or Informal Mutual Education Invirtual Workshop.
Re: Draft Memory Note of Researcch Seminar "Teacer Training for Information Society", 21–22 July 2000, IITE, Moscow
A tribute to Alexei L. Semenv on the occasion of his 50-th Birthday Anniversary
Leonid B. Pereverzev
Institute of New Technologies in Education
Moscow October, 2000

Full version

Telecommunication projects KidsNet, GlobLab
In the end of 1990-s A. Semenov initiated Russian participation in projects that encourage collaboration and networking in an open and flexible environment. The first was a pre-Internet project of National Geographic Soc. KidsNet where primary school kids were exchanging local environmental data (the most famous module of the project was AcidRain). The next project GlobLab has its continuation up to now as GlobalLab where a model of global scientific cooperation is exploited to raise motivation and understanding of students.

Global Lab started in Russia from 1989.
Global Lab is online laboratory for students around the globe who want to perform shared investigations.

GlobLab. Presentation

Telecommunication Project GlobLab. 5th grade. Teacher Guide

Experimental platforms of Moscow Department of Education
At 1993 A. Semenov started his work as the Rector of Moscow Institute of Open Education. It is an organization owned by the City of Moscow with its major mission to provide development and support to all Moscow teachers.
The process of introducing innovation into Moscow educational system assumes a stage of experiment and evaluation when a school or a group of schools (up to 100 and even more) serves as an experimental platform for running and evaluating a new technology or a text-book, or a didactical approach. Then a dissemination stage starts when the most successful experimental schools serve as pedagogical resource centers. Finally the innovation is used whenever it is needed and the schools are having permanent support to accommodate it.
Experimental sites run in Moscow since 1996 and involved more then 300 schools. Results of its activities make possible:

  • development of a complete framework of informatization of the school environment;
  • creation a series of educational and methodical manuals of new generation;
  • analysis and adaptation of the best software adopted in the world educational practice;
  • development of new educational software (the educational modules, the integrated creative environments and projects for all levels of secondary education);
  • working out new forms of educational and developmental activities for the students, including individual, group, interschool and international projects;
  • development of a foundations of new system of improvement of professional skill of teachers with utilization of nonconventional forms of the organisation and maintenance of professional community;
  • generation of educational community of schools and educators (teachers, heads of schools, formation of a basis for organizational and standard-legal base for the introduction in school practices created projects.
In the site's centers of resources the package of methodical recommendations and manuals on the use of digital tools in the educational process has been created. Various digital educational resources, such as text-editors, a painters, video- and a sound editors, virtual laboratories and creative environments, digital bases of images in subjects, etc. which are introduced in many schools of Moscow and Russia were approved.

Moscow educational System